While working with the learners in our school based as well as community based programs we have observed many young children presenting with low overall skill levels in terms of their language, social, emotional and perceptual development.
From observation we have learnt that many children, at an early age, do not receive the necessary stimulation via play activities, movement and sensory stimulation that will enhance their development naturally towards healthy and wholesome engagement in further academic learning.
We believe that the caretakers are the children’s first teachers and that every parent, grandparent, father or mother has the capacity to enhance a young child’s development with very simple yet effective ways in their home.
Many parents in under resourced communities do not have the knowledge and often the self confidence to stimulate their children with the resources that are available to them.
Our passion is to offer a platform for parents to explore their own creativity, experience play with their children and establish close bonds that can nurture children towards healthy development on all levels.
In collaboration with the teachers we offered parents workshops in collaboration with the teachers at Die Bron primary as well as Masakhane primary in the first term of 2019. The theme was the development of Fine motor skills and how to stimulate the children’s hands and eyes with play dough at home. The parents were taken through some play dough activities and everyone received a recipe as well as ready made dough to take home. Thank you to the teachers who invited and collaborated with us and all the parents who attended the workshop.